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Overview of Study Types and Designs

Categories: Medical writing
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About course

This training designed to introduce professionals to different types and designs of clinical studies. The training consists of 2 modules:

Module 1) Introduction and experimental studies,
Module 2) Observational studies.

What will you learn?

  • Module 1 Introduction: This chapter provides a general introduction to some important terms, definitions, and concepts related to clinical studies and study types and designs.
  • Module 1 Experimental studies definitions: This chapter explains some general definitions and terms related to experimental studies. A general definition for experimental studies is provided, as well as the subdivision per study phase and type. In addition, the different kinds of experimental trials, each with their own goals, are explained.
  • Module 1 Experimental studies bias sources: In this chapter, different sources of bias are discussed that can be introduced into experimental trials and may have a substantial impact on the reliability of the results of the study. In addition, tools to assess risk of bias are provided.
  • Module 1 Experimental studies uncontrolled and controlled trials: In this chapter, two types of experimental studies are discussed: uncontrolled and controlled trials. The characteristics of each type are discussed in detail, as well as advantages and disadvantages. This chapter also provides a detailed overview of different randomized, controlled trial designs.
  • Module 2 Observational studies definitions: This chapter explains some general definitions and terms related to observational studies. A general definition for observational studies is provided, as well as their advantages and disadvantages compared to experimental studies.
  • Module 2 Observational Studies Descriptive Studies: In this chapter, a first type of observational studies is discussed: descriptive studies. The characteristics of this study type are discussed, as well as advantages and disadvantages. This chapter also provides a definition of commonly used descriptive terms.
  • Module 2 Observational Studies Analytical Studies: In this chapter, a second type of observational studies is discussed: analytical studies. The characteristics of this study type are discussed in detail, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Course content

Module 1:
Introduction and Experimental Studies
This module is part of a training designed to introduce professionals to clinical studies with a focus on the different types and designs. The learning objectives of this module are: 1) know the aspects involved in the design of a clinical study, 2) identify the different sources of bias, 3) list and define the different experimental study types and designs, 4) explain the purpose and limitations of each experimental study type and design.

  • Introduction
  • Introduction Module 1: Introduction and Experimental Studies
  • Experimental Studies: Definitions
  • Experimental Studies: Bias Sources
  • Experimental Studies: Uncontrolled and Controlled Trials
  • Congratulations

Module 2:
Observational Studies
This module is part of a training designed to introduce professionals to clinical studies with a focus on the different types and designs. The learning objectives of this module are: 1) list and define the different observational study types and designs, 2) explain the purpose and limitations of each observational study type and design.

Student ratings & reviews

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Matthias Franssen
Matthias Franssen
4 months ago
Great for anyone interested in learning about different types and designs of clinical studies.

A course by

Thary Jacob
Thary Jacob

Currently, I’m a motivated specialist medial writer at Emtex Life Science.

I studied biomedical sciences at the University of Ghent, mastered in immunology and did a PhD at the laboratory for veterinary animal sciences in Merelbeke on alphaherpesviral spread, triggered by interesting research along my path.

While I enjoyed doing this, I wanted to be closer to patients in my career path, which is why I chose to go to the industry. I wanted to be near the end, the patient, the finalized stage - to contribute to telling the story. Medical writer seemed the perfect job for me, and I haven’t had any regrets during the past 8 years that I’m a medical writer at Emtex.

Emtex offers worldwide professional medical writing and related services to the pharmaceutical (human & veterinary), biotech, medical device and other industries, CROs and academic institutions.

With over 20 years of experience in the field, we guarantee the best possible medical writing and related services.